Wax Melt vs Candle

Are Wax Melts Better Than Candles?

Wax melt is similar to a candle, but to release its scent, you gently heat it over a wax warmer rather than with a wick. Why do we think it is better than a candle?

Cost / Burn Time

Each Scented Melt cube has a burn time of 10-25 hours and 60-100 per packet. For the equivalent burn time in a candle from a popular high street retailer, you can pay around $60, which is more than QUADRUPLE! The wax melters are also infinitely reusable, allowing you to change the wax whenever you like without sacrificing your home's aesthetic or swapping them with friends.


The safety of your home is a concern when using a candle; you also need to place the candles away from anything flammable or where they could be knocked and away from pets, children and anything that could collect soot. Electric burners can be used with greater peace of mind without a naked flame and needing lower temperatures.


Candle manufacturers recommend trimming the wick of your candle before each burn to reduce soot, which can darken the holders and mark your walls and nearby furnishings. Still, this advice is rarely followed and needs to be widely known. 

Wax Melts, however, can be used without naked flames with an electric melter, which produces no soot at all. If you use a tealight wax melter, we always recommend using a 4.5-hour unscented tealight for safety purposes, which reduces the need for candle maintenance such as trimming the wick, as this often equates to one burning period and, therefore, single use. To retain the heat from the tealight needed to melt the wax, most tealight wax melters are also semi-enclosed, which protects your walls from residues and the flame from any drafts resulting in a much cleaner burn. 


With both types of burners, the wax is melted much more evenly regardless of how long you have it lit, so you don't experience wax tunnelling as you do with a candle, so you know that the scent has been released from the whole wax for maximum impact.

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